Wednesday, March 06, 2013


     Hace un año, por estas fechas, Mattias estaba un poco obsesionado con superheroes por lo que decidi hacerle unos huevos de pascua con las caras de sus heroes favoritos. Creo que mi favorito es Batman porque es el unico sin superpoderes geneticos (se dice asi...?), usa su inteligencia y fuerza fisica,es un millonario con alma atormentada que se apoya en la ciencia y la tecnologia y dedica su fortuna a luchar contra el mal, un poco ambiguo y muy elegante, incluso con leotardos!
     Me quede en cinco y falto uno para completar el set. 
Cual era o es tu superheroe favorito y por que?

     A year ago, around this time, Mattias was a little obsessed with superheroes so I decided to make some easter eggs with the face of his favourite heroes. I think my favourite is Batman because he doesn't have any 'genetic superpower', but uses his intellect and physical power,he is a milionaire with a tormented soul that makes use of science, technology and his fortune to fight evil, a bit camp and so elegant, even wearing tights!
     I stopped at five and there is one missing to complete the set.
 Which was or is your favourite superhero?


  1. Hi there - I'm doing an Easter egg roundup post on my blog and would love to feature your eggs? Is it ok if I share an image of these eggs with a link back to your blog post? danielleaknapp (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. Yes, of course, you're welcomed to link to my blog! Thanks Danielle!


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